CANopen master PLC

Vipa provides the System 300 PLC controller family with CANopen master or slave functionality. The device supports all PDO transmission types, Node Guarding and Heartbeat error control, PDO linking and variable PDO mapping.

The CANopen master can be set up with the configuration tool WinCoCT  by the  company or with standard configuration tools such as Pro-CANopen. All settings can be stored in the non-volatile memory of the master. When the master is started, a configuration is performed for all nodes that have been entered in the list of assigned slaves and for which a configuration is available.

The process data handling via PDOs is cyclical (by SYNC) or event-triggered (by change). The data of the received PDOs from the slave are directly stored in the process area of the PLC. The master handles a maximum of 384 byte process input and a maximum of 384 byte process output data.

After each PLC-cycle the CANopen process data is updated. The SDO manager supports expedited download/upload domain protocol for up to a size 4 byte and the segmented download/upload domain protocol for objects larger than 4 byte.