Issue: November 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,


We are pleased to present you the second newsletter of VIPA HQ export department. At the same time it will be our last one for the year 2011.


During 2011 we implemented many changes to set the course for our future development:


-          Various partners have increased their workforce and released their employees for training to Germany.

-          A new booth concept was implemented and already successfully introduced by various partners.

-          VIPA HQ export department has set up a new communication structure.

-          VIPA HQ has expanded its quality control department and product management.

-          An English teacher was employed to increase the language competence in all company departments.


Finally the SPS exhibition in November will be the platform for product announcements for next year.


We are confident that these measures will be a good basis for our future development and would like to thank you very much for your support during this year.


Enjoy reading the VIPA Export Newsletter and have good SPEED! … Your VIPA Export Team




  • International Sales Meeting 2012
  • Inauguration of VIPA Global Key Account management
  • One telephone no. for VIPA Support



  • VIPA Nordic (DK, SE, FL)
  • New Distributor for Norway
  • VIPA France is expanding marketing activities
  • Great success in Mumbai, VIPA India participated in AUTOMATION 2011 exhibition
  • VIPA GmbH is expanding its forces in the USA
  • Satomec has expanded its forces in Switzerland



  • Increasing Global Brand Recognition
  • International Fair Concept



  • New Starter Kits for S300S
  • Further modules for SLIO…getting bigger



International Sales Meeting 2012

Next year's sales conference will take place from March 26th, 2012 – March 28th, 2012. We will start on March 26th, 19.00 h, with a welcome cocktail at VIPA HQ. On the following two days, March 27th and 28th, we will hold a conference at Ramada hotel, Herzogenaurach, with a nice event on the evening of the first conference day. The International Sales Meeting is our most important event for the exchange on technical developments and sales strategies. Please direct your registrations to


Inauguration of VIPA Global Key Account management

In September 2011 VIPA HQ has expanded its sales force with a Global Key Account management.

With this new structure it is our aim to register VIPA as international supplier in particular global enterprises and enhance customer loyalty with specific benefits and solutions.

The kick-off meeting concentrated primarily on the Global players from Germany. The international roll-out will start beginning of 2012.


One telephone NO for VIPA Support.

In the past VIPA had two different numbers for support, one for PLC and one for HMI. From now on there is one number for support in general:


++49 9132 744 1150

Please keep in mind.

[back to Summary]



VIPA Nordic (DK, SE, FL)

Starting the 1st of September, VIPA set up a new sales structure in Scandinavia and Finland.

VIPA Nordic is a strong alliance of VIPA Germany and Sensor Control Sweden with the aim to serve the Swedish, Danish and Finnish customers in the most professional way.

This new organization is a milestone for our work in this area. The highly satisfying results of the last years and the great acceptance of our products and automation systems in all these countries motivated us to do this step and further improve our positioning in these markets.

For detailed information about VIPA Nordic please visit



… and to fulfil and completely cover the VIPA presence in Scandinavia company AD Electronikk and VIPA are setting a new cooperation for distribution and support of VIPA in Norway. AD Electronikk has a long experience and great reputation on their automation market. Being also the Profibus competence centre in Norway the necessary knowledge and skills can be provided. We are all very confident in a positive and fruitful development of this new partnership.  

VIPA France is expanding marketing activities
From 5th - 6th October VIPA France (Mr. Alain Sadones and Mr. Frédéric Hemard) participated in the IMA Trade show at Lyon. The presentation was organized with an own booth for the first time in France. The show will be continued in Nantes in December and VIPA France is going to participate in Paris in Februar 2012. The appearance was attractive and professional and we are confident this initial success can be continued during the following shows. Congratulations!


Great success in Mumbai

VIPA India participated in AUTOMATION 2011 exhibition

In September 2011, VIPA India participated again in AUTOMATION exhibition in Mumbai – one of the most important industrial fairs in the country. With a team comprising the local management, technical and marketing experts as well as Mr. Sascha Isinger, product manager of VIPA HQ, any kind of customer enquiry could be served on the spot.


Due to the new booth design with more space an increased number of customers was received compared to the results of the previous years.  New customers were attracted, potential projects discussed and further meeting appointments could be made. With this concept we are confident to meet the requirements of the growing Indian market in future.


VIPA GmbH is expanding its forces in the USA

Since August 1st, 2011, VIPA GmbH has increased its workforce in the United States by a technical engineer, Mr. Simon Cole. He will be in charge of technical consultation from making acquisitions up to onsite support if required. Mr. Cole has been trained at VIPA HQ and does not only know our system features but is also familiar with our work structures. We welcome Mr. Cole and wish him all the best for his job. With this increase in staff we will be able to further extend our customer service in this territory.

Fig.: From left to right: Susanne Küfner – Export Inside Sales; Simon Cole, Sascha Isinger – Product Manager


Satomec has expanded its forces in Switzerland

Since July 2011, our Swiss distributor, Satomec, has employed two new product managers to expand our forces in Switzerland.

Mr. Kenan Guendogdu will primarily be responsible for the VIPA range.

Mr. Andreas Kissling whose main responsibilities are with other suppliers will replace him in case of absence.

Both gentlemen have long-term experience in automation and have been trained in VIPA HQ.  We are looking forward to continue our excellent cooperation and wish both colleagues every success in their new jobs.

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Increasing Global Brand Recognition

A new advertisement on "Industrial Ethernet" at SLIO is available for download on

User name: ftptemp7

Password: n6b5v4c3

Direct link:


For a uniform marketing we invite you to use this draft in your local markets.


International Fair Concept:

Global brand appearance at fairs and shows

From now on we can offer you a complete VIPA fair concept for our joint brand presentation. This concept has been developed to provide you with the opportunity to present VIPA on a smaller show or event efficiently.


The development was focused on the following clear targets:






Detailed information about this                                                               We want to encourage you

new and innovative concept will                                                              to take advantage of this new

be available in our extranet                                                                    concept and improve so our

starting from next week                                                                         brand recognition in the world.




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As informed via circular on 18th October a new StarterKit for S300S is available now, dozens of this new Kits were sold already after information in few days.



All the sources to create and release your own circulars and further marketing activities are available at our extranet (log in first required)


The results are very positive and once again we invite you to make use of this useful sales and marketing tool. 





NEW MODULES FOR SLIO…getting bigger

Our smallest and newest System SLIO is getting bigger and bigger. New modules have been released. The official sales release is in translation now and will be sent to you in the next few days:

032-1BB70…AO 2x12Bit +-10V;  032-1CB70…AO 2 x 16Bit_+-10V; 032-1CB30...AO 2x16Bit­_0...10V; 032-2CD30...AO 4 x 16Bit_0...10V; 032-1CD70...AO 4 x 16Bit_+-10V


Our SLIO System continues growing and so offers more and more market chances and possibilities for use…Let’s use it!

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Would you like to give us any feedbacks, advice, suggestions or topics of interest for the newsletter?


Then send your e-mail to:


Your VIPA Export Team



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