Yaskawa kwaliteit

„Eigenlijk is het niet nodig om over kwaliteit te praten - het is juist om het te veronderstellen en te verwachten.”

Maar we willen nog graag ene paar woorden zeggen over de VIPA kwaliteit. 

Ons  ultieme doel is om alle VIPA producten in één kwaliteit te ontwikkelen en te produceren, gebruikmakend van de moderne kwaliteitsgarantie mehodes die onze klant zal inspireren.

Wij stellen systematisch de globale eisen van de klant vast , gebruikmakend van de
nul-defect-strategie en werken continue aan het verbeteren van de procesmethodes.
Ons bewustzijn van deze verantwoordelijkheid en de know how van elke medewerker is van cruciaal belang.

De uniforme wereldwijde hoge standaard van al onze processen en service is gegarandeerd door onze interne Q7 kwaliteit management. Alle VIPA vestigingen zijn ISO 9001 gecertificeerd.

Accreditation & Certificates


VIPA ISO 14001
VIPA ISO 50001


Special declaration of product compliance with technical regulations of the Customs Union of Russia. These certificates replace immediately the Gost Certificate because of new procedure and certification rules for imported products is applied in Russia since year 2014.
Special declaration of product compliance with technical regulations of the Customs Union of Russia. These certificates replace immediately the Gost Certificate because of new procedure and certification rules for imported products is applied in Russia since year 2014.
Special declaration of product compliance with technical regulations of the Customs Union of Russia. These certificates replace immediately the Gost Certificate because of new procedure and certification rules for imported products is applied in Russia since year 2014.
EAC Power Supply
Special declaration of product compliance with technical regulations of the Customs Union of Russia. These certificates replace immediately the Gost Certificate because of new procedure and certification rules for imported products is applied in Russia since year 2014.
EAC Teleservice
Special declaration of product compliance with technical regulations of the Customs Union of Russia. These certificates replace immediately the Gost Certificate because of new procedure and certification rules for imported products is applied in Russia since year 2014.
GOST Certificate for russian market

Material Compliance Declaration


Conflict Minerals

Der Dodd-Frank Act beinhaltet u. a. den Umgang mit Offenlegungspflichten bezüglich „Konfliktmineralien“ entlang der Lieferkette. Vor dieser Herausforderung stehen Unternehmen, die sich entlang der Lieferkette von US-börsenorientierten Unternehmen befinden, sei es als direkter Zulieferer oder als Zwischenlieferant. Dieses CMRT-File beinhaltet sämtliche Unterlieferanten (Smelter-Lists) die Produkte der YASKAWA Europe GmbH betreffen.