VIPA participating in Girls‘ Day 2016

On 28.04.2016 the nationwide Girls’ Day took place inviting companies in technical industries to open their doors exclusively for girls to promote women’s access to technical professions.

VIPA participated for the second time – together with the other YASKAWA divisions in Eschborn and Allershausen - offering 15 places to interested girls from all schools in the region. The girls visited IT and production department as well as development, support and logistics with the aim of getting insight into the professional education “Elektroniker/in für Geräte und Systeme” and “Fachinformatiker/in für Systemintegration”. This time the program was completed by three people currently being apprentices at VIPA by giving first-hand information into the daily work of their professional training. The feedback was very positive and VIPA is planning to participate again next year.