Referenties > Daimler-Benz, Hungary


At VIPA we face up to any challenge - even a language with 18 cases and 44 letters. Initially the project sounded simple: From 2012 everyone who knows their ABC at Mercedes-Benz should also know their HU. Because a new plant was built in Kecskemét near Budapest for the compact vehicles of the manufacturer. VIPA was to make an important contribution. And this without spluttering.

Wanted: A system that produces more than just hot air.

It's true The order originated from the building technology rather than the automotive industry, but also for this you have to concern yourself with the requirements of the industry: A paint line cannot tolerate any dust, certain materials no moisture, the employee working in administration no drafts. On top of that the system should also be energy saving of course. And the whole thing on an area of about 300,000 square meters. 

Nice when someone demands "only the best or nothing at all".

The ambition of VIPA was of course to deliver the best. From the proven SPEED7 CPUs, the I/O system SLIO and bus technology arose a convincing, cost-effective solution, with which the incredibly complex system of fans, filters and air conditioning equipment is reliably controlled and synchronized. And now we know that "controller" is "vezérlés" in Hungarian.