Referenties > Johannes-Diakonie, Mosbach, Schwarzach


The Johannes-Diakonie is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in Germany. Since 1880 they have been taking care of people with mental disabilities. The compound „Schwarzacher Hof“ has constantly grown with the institution. Today up to 700 people live and work here, there is a school and a private clinic. Actually, a small city in itself and it is hardly surprising that the complex even has its own drinking fountain. We desired a new energy concept with cutting-edge automation technology. What was needed was VIPA.

Duty of care is not a foreign word to us.

Even the control system for a single building needs to be well thought out. In Schwarzach it was moreover a question of keeping the big picture in mind, taking into account daily routines and simplifying the operation of the system. Each heating, each air conditioning as well as the complete power and water supply is now controlled by SPEED7 and can be controlled and regulated from multiple terminals. Data collection runs decentrally via the new, compact SLIO system.

A good school. Even for VIPA.

A total of 30 control systems were ultimately necessary to bring the infrastructure of the institution up to date, connected via Ethernet, easy to use by means of touch panels. Orders of this size even for experienced project teams still have a learning effect. In this respect this training and further-education center even brought us further. And further work: The cabinets were just closed when a control system for the location Mosbach was requested.