VIPA trainees visited Allershausen

At the beginning of last week, our four VIPA trainees made an excursion into the world of robots. Together with their two supervisors, Stefan Schweidler (third from right) and Susanne Küfner (second from right), they went to Allershausen to get an insight into YASKAWA Robotics.

Here they were received by Mr. Josef Niedermeier (on the far right of the picture). Together with other colleagues, he guided his guests through the location and introduced them to YASKAWA Robotics from the beginning to the present day.

The highlights of the tour were the visit to the plant construction and the Robots Academy. Here, not only different robots were presented but our trainees got the chance to try their hand at programming robots.

“It was a successful trip for our trainees. They learned a lot about YASKAWA Robotics, were allowed to work with robots and got an insight into another division”, Susanne Küfner and Stefan Schweidler said enthusiastically about the visit in Allershausen. “A visit in return in Herzogenaurach is planned. We want to continue to promote the exchange.”