
At VIPA we do what it says on the tin

As such, the tin is indeed a prime example of a non-thought-out idea. Because the tin opener was not invented until 45 years after the innovative container. That would not have happened at VIPA. And therefore the traditional company Kleemann Metal Packaging gave us an order for the new controller of their pallet conveyor line, the logical nerve center of the company.

Twenty years backlog. Two weeks time.

They say you should never touch a running system. At Kleemann, however, it was high time, even though everything worked. The plant was still running with S5 technology from the nineties, although in the meantime the storage areas have been extended twice. What was now missing was a pallet detection system between production and storage. The only possible date for the change, however, was during the holidays between the old and the new year. VIPA accepted this order of course faster than you can say "press-in-lid can".

Concentrated work between party kegs and holidays.

Exemplary service is our cup of tea, and so the work was accompanied by firecrackers, while the project team ascended a technological firework. Conversion to S7, installation of touch panels with new logistic software, integration of the whole into the super ordinate ERP system "Navision". A concerted action, and totally in accordance with the wishes of our customer:
„I purposely wanted only one contact partner for everything. With VIPA all the hardware came from one source, there was only one person responsible and no coordination problems between multiple suppliers, which may have jeopardized the timetable.“
Herbert Sittinger, Kleemann Metallverpackungen